Sewer Ears! : LUSENET : Poodle Support Group : One Thread

I have tried plucking hair, swabbing, drops (from the pet store, the vet and a home remedy of distilled water, rubbing alcohol and white vinegar mixed in equal parts) and still my poodle's ear (just one!) looks like a black sewer. The vet says it is not infected, but he (the dog, not the vet) is tired of me attacking with hemostats, cotton balls and q tips on a daily basis, and I'm tired of it, too. Any ways to keep ears clean without a daily regimen? (and even then, the one is always "black" inside)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 1999


Sewer Ears

I have been having a similar problem. I had the ears cultured and my dog has a yeast infection. I am on the 2nd round of daily cleaning with DermPet and Tressaderm drops 2x daily. It's definately better, but not cured yet. These types of problems are very hard to clear up. Good Luck!

-- Anonymous, December 19, 1999

Yes, the ear problem is a hard one to fix...My poodle had a similar problem due to the hair removal in his are supposed to remove the hair, but not too often...once every couple of months is what our vet told us...we used a baby suction bulb (like to clean a baby's nose out) squirted alittle solution of vinegar and water then sucked it out...we did this 2x's a day for a week...we havent had any other problems with his ears...but if yours doesnt clear up, you might want to consult a different vet...good luck!! Cora and Tango

-- Anonymous, March 16, 2000

I can empathize with you. My standard suffered for nearly 3 years with chronic yeast in her ears. I spent close to 1100.00 trying to treat it. I had tried everything from vinegar/water sol./ ear drops/ multitudes of ear cleaners, every brand and kind you could think of/ drying powders/antifungal creams/feminine yeast products. I have used all of the products that the other people here are using , or have used. Finally, I switched to a different vet( my third one for this problem) and he cured my dog of that stubborn yeast problem. He prescribed this ear drop medicine of what seems to be his own remedy. I had to put 10 drops in each ear once daily for 2 weeks. This remedy caused the inner ear to drain that black gucky stuff(yeast) to the outer canal. I then would clean the canal with alcohol. Since then i only use the remedy once or every two weeks and once a week clean the canal with alcohol I don't recommend pulling hair out of the canal of a dog that has yeast sensitive ears. Pulling causes an inflammatory process which futher worsens the problem and the dogs ears become painful as if they were not enough from the yeast impaction. If you would like the name of the vet who cured my dog I would gladly provide you with this info. Just email me at Maybe you could call him and ask for help. GoodLuck

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2000

yeast/ear infestion said she had found a vet that cured her dog of a chronic "ear" yeast problem. I am unable to cantact her through the address above. I would like to know the name of the vet... and how to contact her/him for the solution to the cure. My dog has suffered many years witht a yeast problem of skin and ears. thanks to anyone that can help.

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001

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