YAY for Shels

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Congrats Abby Girl... I'm so pleased you got the good job, good place, good life :)

Things worked out quite nicely for us both. (And on the same day too - extra freaky)

Hope it's all you wanted and more. Hope ya got a spare bed for me for when I visit. *huge hugsssss*

Love Stace xoxo

-- Venus (venusthegoddess@hotmail.com), August 23, 1999


Thanks hon.......not an extra bed.......but my couch is huge!!!!!! and rather comfy......slept on it the other night *smile*

Im glad you like your new job too.......we did good YAY hehe



-- Shel (Shelbyx@email.msn.com), August 23, 1999.

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