Which photo processor is the best for multiple prints of digital photos?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have many relatives who are not computer ready but would like copies of pictures we've taken. What's the process and which processor is recommended.

-- Gary A. Rieland (grieland@vhicol.com), August 21, 1999


Your question is a little vague. The easiest process for getting digital pictures to people who don't have a pc is to download the pictures to your PC edit them to your liking(either using the provided software or buy a program like Photoshop or Paintshop Pro) and then print them out on a photoquality printer like an Epson 750 on Photopaper. Then mail the pictures to said relatives.

As far as a processor. Are you referring to the PC's processor, or a device that will automatically print your digital images(if it is the later, I have not heard of such a thing)

-- David Erskine (davide@netquest.com), August 22, 1999.

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