Isn't love wonderful?! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Everyone's favorite elf is back on the scene! *grin* I'm back here at school and ready for my residents to move in and spending a TON of time with Chip now that she's so close. *grin* Drop me a line, I should be in as often as studies and love life allow...*wink*

Glad to be back! Drizzt

-- Drizzt (, August 19, 1999


How is my favorite elf doing?..It's been way too long since I've heard or talked to you hun..Missed you bunches..Glad your back and as a matter of fact I"m back also...It's Cc...Hope to talk with you soon hun..

-- Cc...(Stacey).....Classic_case... (, August 26, 1999.

Way to go you of luck, beatnik and I are proof that internet relationships can work a year this past tuesday...RAH..a anyhow hugs for my favorite chipgirl... and be well you happy couples.. by the by, beat and I will be moving to St. Louis in two to three we will be even closer to the big KC... hasta

-- bugg_girl (, August 27, 1999.

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