Artists Oils versus Photo Oils : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

What is the difference between artists oils and photo oils (such as Marshalls)?

-- Zoe Wolf (, August 19, 1999


Good question...I don't know, but will find out. I'll call Marshall's.

However, from experience: I often do portrait retouching on "engagement" portrait prints using oils on a canvas textured paper. I can remove unwanted strands of hair, fill in sun flared hair, remove zits, etc. I let it dry and then spray Marshall's luster spray on top to hid the oils, and smooth the finish. Covers up my mistakes!

Now, I notice that the marshall's oils tend to dry within about 24 hours. Artists oils can take a week or more. That may be a big difference.

I'll try to find out and post an answer if I get one.

-- Todd Frederick (, August 20, 1999.

I have only ever used artists water based oil paints. They are just like oils but are water mixable and can be made more transparent which is useful when hand colouring. They have given me numerous great results!!

Hope this helps.

-- John Travers (, August 20, 1999.

They are designed for photo papers to use with the silver present. And they are lightfast. I have been using them for at least seven years. The oil pencils are actually beter, but they have a small selection, only 14 or so colors. There is alot of information on this subject you can glean, from Theresa Aireys book available at barnes and noble. My copy is very well used, it tells in detail how all of the coloring agents work and why.Also which are better in some repects comapred to others. She goes over polaroid transfers and manipulated sx-70 films, And toning and bleaching and then coloring. It is awesome the book is titled creative photo printmaking.. Have fun...

-- martha goldsmith (, August 31, 1999.

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