Does the JVC XV-501BK DVD Player play CD-R VCDs? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Does the JVC XV-501BK DVD Player play CD-R VCDs? I'm thinking about buying this one?

-- Charlie (, August 15, 1999


I forgot to tell that the site for that is: (There is a picture of it there) Thanks for any answers!

-- Charlie (, August 15, 1999.

I highly doubt it. I tried playing several audio CD-Rs and CD-RWs that have been working great for me in all my other CD players and it rejected these almost instantly. It say "No Disk" and if you push play it will shoot it back at you. I can't see how burned VCDs are going to work better. I could be wrong. If anyone has any succes with this player please let me know.

-- Lee Ballard (, August 19, 1999.

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