Using GT-E flash sync slower than 1/125s? : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread |
Is it possible to use a slower flash sync on my GT-E?
-- Tony Chang (, August 14, 1999
- No, not with Minox flash nor other flash (Vivitar 285 etc) attached to the hot shoe. When the flash is attached to the hot shoe, once the trigger current flows throught the flash unit, the electronics shutter immediately reset itself to 1/125.
- Yes, if you use your Minox GT-E in very dark setting, the shutter will open for a long time. You may then one hand hold the camera, trigger the shutter, let it open, then manually trigger an unattached flash, for example push the test button on Vivitar 285.
-- martin tai (, August 14, 1999.
There's a micro switch in the hot shoe of the GT-E. When it's pressed, the speed goes to 1/125.What I've done, is to take an old flash I had lying around, and used an x-acto knife to carve away some plastic from shoe of the flash. I took the shape of the hot shoe cover of the GT-E as an example.
I did a small test that confirmed that the GT-E indeed strobes the flash at speeds lower than 1/125.
-- Peter van de Haar (, July 24, 2001.