What is the best grain mill under 100$,under 200$

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

What is the best grain mill under 100$,200$

-- jones (thanks@here.nett), August 13, 1999


FWIW I bought "Lehman's Best" out of their catalog ($180?) and it does work with much less effort than my old one ( a china made, cast iron $50 "Universal"). Good luck in your decision.

-- Kristi (securxsys@cs.com), August 14, 1999.

I like the Coronas. They're indestructable and versatile. I'm biased, though, as I have some for sale, so take that as you will.

-- Ron Schwarz (rs@clubvb.com.delete.this), August 17, 1999.

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