Barnesville to Thomaston line : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Back in the 1930's, there was a short line from Thomaston, GA, to Barnesville, linking with the main CofG line. There was passenger service on this line, using a street-car type of car, propelled by a gasoline or deisel engine. The local people called it "Jitney" or "Dummy". I have not found anyone who has any records or pictures, etc.

-- Calvin Ellington (, August 12, 1999


The commuter train on the Central between Jonesboro and Atlanta was also known as "the Dummy."

-- Andrew Durden (, October 22, 2002.

"The Dummy" was used on the "Flovilla and Indian Springs railroad" from 1887- 1915. (Old railroad sta. still stands to the northwest of the post office in Flovilla, by the way)

-- Elton (, October 21, 2002.

CofG had a Brill car that ran on this line, if I am not mistaken. I am going by memory here, but I believe it was No. 10 and was pictured in Al Langley's CofG album book.

-- Larry Goolsby (, October 16, 2002.

I have no information about a "Jitney" or "Dummy", but do have information of work on this stretch of railroad. I notice this past Saturday that there are a number of cross ties in this area marked for replacement with the replacements laying along side the track. The track hasn't been maintained very well with grass and weeds growing through the ballast. Quad Graphics has a facility at The Rock along this line. With deliver of all the paper they go through, it's probably overdue maintenance. Atleast the track is getting some TLC for now.

-- Charles Thompson (, October 16, 2002.

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