Ann Landers on Y2K... : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

VFrom the Spokane Spokesman-Review

Senators' advice is priceless -- Members of a Senate committee on Y2K ask Ann Landers to share some tips with her readers.

Dear Ann Landers: By now, your readers have heard about the Year 2000 technology problem known as the Y2K bug, which is expected to cause wide-ranging computer problems on Jan. 1, 2000. The problem is the result of an encoded two-digit dating system, that prevents computers from distinguishing the year 2000 from the year 1900.

As you are one of the nation's most widely read and straight-talking advice columnists, we wanted to supply you with some of our advice on how the public can prepare for any potential Y2K-related problems. Please share these consumer tips with your readers. The more they understand about the problem, the better equipped they will be to deal with it. -- Robert F. Bennett, Chairman, and Christopher J. Dodd, Vice-Chairman, U.S. Senate Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem.

Dear Senators Bennett and Dodd: Thank you for taking the time to help me educate my readers. The advice you have given is priceless, and I am extremely grateful. Here it is, folks.

 Be an informed citizen. Ask your utility companies about their Y2K status. Talk with local officials about what the police, fire and emergency medical services have done to prepare. Post their non-911 direct dial emergency numbers near your phone. Burglar alarms connected to computer networks at police stations and security companies should be tested.

 Be an educated consumer. Check with your doctor, pharmacist, broker, grocer and others who provide you with valuable services about their preparations. Contact manufacturers of date-sensitive appliances to verify Y2K compliance.

 Prudence in the pantry. You should have on hand a flashlight and batteries, warm blankets and a couple of extra cans of food -- items you are apt to have in your home already. If you take medication, consult your doctor if you are concerned about shipping delays.

 Keep track of your finances. The bank is still the safest place to keep your money, and most banks are well prepared. Save receipts and obtain paper copies of bank and loan statements and other financial transactions, especially deposit slips. Call your local bank to learn about their Y2K plans. Talk to your employer about vulnerabilities in the payroll system. Take Y2K readiness into account when making investments.

 Travel smart. If you plan to travel, obtain written confirmation of your reservations directly from the airline as well as your travel agent. Factor possible delays into your travel plans. If you are traveling abroad, check the State Department for Y2K travel alerts.

 Beware of scams. Con artists are already actively exploiting people's fears. Be wary of goods and services touted as "Y2K guaranteed." Beware of anyone attempting to sell you unnecessary products such as massive food supplies, water treatment kits or other "Y2K personal preparedness" items. Never give out personal financial information over the phone unless you initiate the call and are sure the person you speak to is legitimate. Report any attempts to solicit this information to the police.

For more information, call (888) USA-4-Y2K (888-872-4925), or visit the Senate Y2K Committee Web site at

-- pshannon (, August 12, 1999


Yes, the universal truth of Y2K: This sorry assed advice applies to everyone, no matter where they live, what their climate is like in Winter, etc., etc. Why do they even bother? They should just say: "Keep your money in the bank. Other things? Hey, don't sweat the small stuff."

-- King of Spain (, August 12, 1999.

BenDod lobotomy

-- -- (--@--.--), August 12, 1999.


Perhaps you can write to Ann Landers and ask for her comments on the stopping power of the .223 versus the .308. Maybe she has some helpful tips on sandbag placement and grenade pits for the suburban home. Oh, sorry, it's Martha Stewart you want for interior decoration of the Y2K bunker. Why don't you simply ask them both to mud wrestle. It's been your intellectual high water mark thus far.


-- Mr. Decker (, August 12, 1999.

Pick a fight then carp about your treatment here. You're beginning to tire Mr. D. How about a poem?

-- Carlos (, August 12, 1999.

Ah, Carlos... you are the fellow who accused me of "whining." Perhaps you meant "winning." (laughter) I don't have to pick a fight with Spain, Will Continue, Andy or the other forum bullies. We have an ongoing conflict. You will notice, however, that I try to address the content (or lack thereof) of their posts. I have avoided the coarse sexual references Andy is so fond of... or the incessant mud wrestling invitations that mark the faux royal, Spain.

Here's the bottom line, Carlos. Ann Landers offers some moderate advice not dissimilar to the FEMA/Red Cross guidelines. Given her wide readership, this ought to make "GIs" happy. Instead, Spain takes her to task... because her advice does not square with his "end of the world" mindset. I congratulate Ms. Landers for her modest contribution to Y2K awareness and preparation... and for demonstrating a willingness to listen and change her opinion. Her advice is solid and useful for anything up to Y2K as the Great Depression II. I would have gone further on advising consumers to pay down debt, increase savings and develop the habits of frugal living. Even so, Spain will find fault in anything short of preparing for the Apocalypse... of course, I invite him to post his preparation recommendations on a separate thread. How much is enough?


-- Mr. Decker (, August 12, 1999.

Ah Mr. D., I apoligize for not recognizing that references to .223 vs .308, grenade pits, Martha Stewart, y2k bunker & "inteilectual (sp?) high water mark" were in reference to KOS's Ann Landers response. Silly me. But, speaking of intellectual contribs when do we get some more lyrics? Gotta fish with your best bait ya know.

-- Carlos (, August 12, 1999.

It was in my local rag, too. Doomers might say it ain't enough but at least it is something. What do you expect the senators to do, YELL FIRE. This is a way to inform the sheeple. Some will GI and some will not. Applaud Bennett and Dodd for Trying.

-- Arnold (, August 12, 1999.

Please be pleased that at least SOME important information is being released to those who follow her advice.

Perhaps the government officials should be hotwired with electrodes to monitor Y2K compliance.

False data would be met with electroshocks in sensitive sites...

-- Randolph (, August 13, 1999.

 Prudence in the pantry. You should have on hand a flashlight and batteries, warm blankets and a couple of extra cans of food -- items you are apt to have in your home already. If you take medication, consult your doctor if you are concerned about shipping delays.

(this advice posted in Ann Landers column)

A couple extra cans of food...

A couple extra cans of food...

A couple extra cans of food...

I really really want to know who wrote this, and if they wrote this with a straight face.


-- Whitney (, October 06, 1999.

On the other hand, the utilities will be overjoyed, I'm sure. Yes, let's everyone call and ask questions at once. Understanding what to ask or what you're told is not a requirement.

-- Flint (, October 06, 1999.

This does not surprise me, for even in earthquake country here in California, it is supposed that only 2-3 percent of residents have enough water for 3 days water interruption due to earthquake damage....It really is a huge stretch for the 'safety and protection comes from our government' crowd in the US. Period. And why not? Government loudspeakers constantly point out the danger, and all they are doing to protect 'citizens'. It's how the politicians "get elected"....

Don't assume that the statistically average person even understands that they are dependent in child-like ways, and analogous to the Eloi of H.G. Wells' Time Machine. It would be interesting if Ann Landers even understands this. Unless one can see the "bars" one cannot comprehend the meaning of "prison".

Stopping myself now before the rant begins.

-- Donna (, October 06, 1999.

Donna, keep going, very interesting rant stirrings!

-- Ashton & Leska in Cascadia (, October 06, 1999.

>Don't assume that the statistically average person even understands >that they are dependent in child-like ways, and analogous to the Eloi >of H.G. Wells' Time Machine. > It would be interesting if Ann Landers even understands this. >Unless one can see the "bars" one cannot comprehend the meaning of >"prison".

> Stopping myself now before the rant begins.

ohhhhhhhhh come on Diana....let it out...

A couple of cans of food??? can you imagine how many lemmings read that and actually took some itty bitty tiny bit of actual trust in that?

A couple of cans of food... I mean WTF? What one per child in your family... ??? Ann actually PRINTED that? For real? Naaaa.. it's gotta be a dream and I will wake up ...

Dontcha just wanna SHAKE society??? WAKE them up?

Take a look back 50 yrs ...100 yrs.... when in history has any society ever been SO dependent on a government ... one THEY themselves say as indivuals are dishonest/crooked/out-for-themselves... yet belive totally and completely on this government for the welfare of their own children.

You work 5 days a week.... yet could YOU if you were not able to leave your front yard for the next 30 days ... sustain a healthy environment for your children? THINK about it.

At first I was afriad... I was petrified... Kept thinking I could never live..without big-brother by my side..

But then I grew strong... I learned how to get along.... But now your back.. to care for me... go on now go... walk out the door... I care for my own and I don't need you anymore...

I WILL SURVIVE As long as I know how to think for myself I WILL SURVIVE


-- Whitney (, October 06, 1999.

From: Y2K, ` la Carte by Dancr (pic), near Monterey, California

Whitney, don't you have enough mega hits already to not have to go and try to pass off that Donna Sommers classic as your own? :)

-- Dancr (addy.available@my.webpage), October 06, 1999.

Mr. Decker,

Ann Landers has offered nothing. Unless I'm missing something here, she has merely passed on worthless (not "moderate")information as suggested by Dodd & Bennett. "Her" advise is neither "solid" nor "useful" as specifically related to Y2K.

1) "Be an informed citizen..." - Just about everything I've read from others leads to the generic answer: "We're ready" or "Everything is fine", etc. I've seen/experienced very few officials claim any weaknesses in their remediation. This includes those who have done no remediation at all.

Posting emergency numbers is just common sense, Y2K or not. As far as security systems being tested....Yeah, right. I can just see someone suggesting police and security testing their systems. The suggestion will go nowhere.

Advice #1 is worthless in respect to Y2K.

2) "Be an educated consumer...." - Checking with these people will accomplish nothing (other than a false sense of comfort). I've yet to hear one report of anyone in these local fields saying that they will have problems and that the consumer needs to go elsewhere to find someone who is prepared.

I have known/heard of many people who have followed the above advice. The end result is almost, if not always, the same. They are met with smiling faces saying that everything is going to be "ok".

I can't think of any manufacturer who has stepped forward to claim that their "date sensitive" product is not compliant. Time will tell.

Again, advise #2 is worthless.

3) "Prudence in the pantry...." - This advice is a joke and has got to be the stupidest advice given. "....a flashlight and batteries, warm blankets and a couple of extra cans of food". Who is this advice for? These are common everyday household items, not prep advice. If Y2K does result in trouble (and no one knows for sure), these recomendations are basically worthless.

Advise #3 is idiotic.

4) "Keep track of your finances...." - I assume that this advice is given to comfort people in case there are problems. Hard copies of your records will accomplish nothing. If the banks have problems with their record keeping, then presenting them with your records won't amount to a hill of beans. There is no way someone is going to be able to walk into a bank (after a bank loses their records) and be awarded with what is on their hardcopies. It just ain't going to happen.

Advice #4 is worthless.

5) "Travel smart...." - Basic common sense for ANY travel. Checking for Y2K travel alerts is about the only advice worth anything.

Advice #5 is basically worthless.

6) "Beware of scams...." This is basic common sense advise Y2K or not.

Advice #5 is worthless in respect to Y2K.

This whole thing smells of spin control and is nothing more than an attempt to keep the people calm and uninformed. Bennett and Dodd are doing nothing more than using Ann Landers' advise column to spread it to more people.

The advise that most of us (in my opinion) would like to see being given here has nothing to do with an "end of the world" mindset or "preparing for the Apocalypse".

How much is enough? It damn sure ain't a couple of cans of food, that's for sure. As I said before, no one knows what Y2K will bring. If it's nothing more than a BITR, then the above advice will more than likely be sufficient. If it's more than a BITR, than the above advice is criminal in my opinion. Time will tell.

-- NokternL (, October 07, 1999.

There is a snide fellow named Ken

Who thinks he is mighty with pen

But he's full of green bile

And arrogance vile

Yea, truly, a midget 'mong men.

-- Poteen (The Irish, October 07, 1999.

From: Y2K, ` la Carte by Dancr (pic), near Monterey, California

A couple of cans... That's two cans. Two cans per meal per person until first harvest, or if you don't think it will be safe to plant the first year, more years.

-- Dancr (addy.available@my.webpage), October 07, 1999.

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