So far.....So : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Hello everyone of Exile!!Well, so far....I'm doing good. Got moved into a new place--just in time for a week off of work. Good thing too....I need the relaxation.
I popped into Exile last night and waved at a few....Next time I'll have the full program installed and raring to go. I don't have any of my old files, so get those AV's and gestures ready!!
The phone company screwed up my order, but hopefully by the weekend I will have full phone service. Can't wait to see you guys again.
Always- SFG
-- Sunflower Girl (, August 11, 1999
Bummer..I was getting use to your "MUG" look. LOL, nahhh, looking forward to seeing you back in full swing!(looking for an av of a sunflower seed)..yuk yuk
-- Da' wash (, August 12, 1999.
Well, Wash......If anyone can find are the DA MAN!!!!
-- Sunflower Girl (, August 12, 1999.