Whatever happened to Meghan?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Does anyone know what happened to Meghan who used to write the Squirrelbait journals? I really enjoyed reading them and I wondered if she was around under a different name. - Sarah
-- Anonymous, August 11, 1999
I'm sort of out of the loop, but the last I heard she had really dropped off the face of the earth. If anyone has any different information I'd love to hear it. She was one of my favorites.
-- Anonymous, August 11, 1999
i wish i had a different answer than beth, but i don't. man, she rocked. i miss her.
-- Anonymous, August 12, 1999
Me, too -- I read every single page of her journal; I was hooked. I keep hoping she'll come back. What was the name of that little town in Tennessee where she lived? Maybe we could send an envoy?Sunshyn Sunshyn's Daydreams - goin' where the wind goes http://members.xoom.com/sunshyndream
-- Anonymous, August 12, 1999
Meghan lived in Chattanooga, not a particularly small town, and has started graduate school at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN. I imagine that's a big part of why she dropped out.
-- Anonymous, August 12, 1999
Meghan is theoretically back, here:Squirrel Bait. I caught up on her entries from July 8 last night, but this morning the server is down. Keep trying.
-- Anonymous, September 07, 1999
Okay, update -- Meghan's server couldn't handle the huge response she got yesterday, so the journal is now here:Have fun. ""
-- Anonymous, September 08, 1999
woohoo meghan! i'm so glad she's back.
-- Anonymous, September 08, 1999
Hey, has anyone looked at Meghan's site today? It says "This site has been hacked."I hope it won't make her stop writing again!
-- Anonymous, September 29, 1999
re the hacking, I wonder if she took the site down and put that in its place? she was asking on diary-l about the dilemma she still feels after two years, about being honest vs pissing off her "friends".
-- Anonymous, September 29, 1999
being that i am a lucky girl who has known meghan for 10 years i almost always know where she is :) i'm not always at liberty to divulge the information, but this is not one of those times ;)www.treehaus.addr.com/blog
-- Anonymous, August 30, 2000