Glidecam 3000 for sale : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

Glidecam 3000 for sale.

Unit never used as I have upgraded to a V series unit.

$400. plus shipping

-- filmguy (, August 10, 1999


ill give you 150

-- tommy lovell (, June 16, 2001.

I love lowballers. Seriously though-200 dollars is what I paid for one of these in fair condition used.

-- ben katz (, June 22, 2001.

If this is still for sale, im interested. I'll give you 200 bucks plus shipping, more if it has a lcd monitor and batteries.... :)>

-- Atom Jones (, December 21, 2002.

Im also interested. Can you ship to UK?

-- nigel roffe barker (, January 06, 2003.

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