Compliance with ADA requirements : LUSENET : AAUP Truman State : One Thread

A number of changes have occurred on the Truman campus as a result of compliance with the ADA (disability act), and most of them seem to work pretty well. This summer I spent a week at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, where the disability compliance is so very far behind our own that we look like paragons of virtue. I know that some needs have not been addressed at Truman yet, and suggest that AAUP might act as a forum where further suggestions for aiding disabled students and faculty could get generated.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 1999


I'm going to review this question. The fall semester has been a series of disasters for me -- the elevator in OP inaccessible, the renovations unfinished so that I had to teach on the second floor -- the lack of heat in the building only addressed after many classes had to be moved.

The Campus Planning Office simply does not stay ahead of these issues. It's left to individuals to complain and try to get things handled for themselves; those who don't have "real" problems or fail to make the right kind of complaint continue to struggle with inadequate or unsafe situations. Do we have to face a serious lawsuit to get some proactive work done here?

-- Anonymous, December 14, 2000

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