still picture files on VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

In Easy CD Creator VCD layout is a choice for applicable files to be included "still picture file NTSC 704X480 high resolution". This would make a good menu page for a branching-type VCD layout (ver 2.x). How and where can we get such a file?? I assume I make a .bmp first of the intended resolution then convert it to .mpg. But Xing Encoder explicitly says still picture files can ONLY be included in a VCD layout IF accompanied by audio, the length of the audio determining how long it plays before looping back. But why is it that menu screens on Karaoke VCDs sometimes (often) do not have any accompanying audio?? Is it in any way possible without audio?? Another thing is that Xing encoder forces the final file to be 352X240. However, Easy CD says we can include high-res 704X480 still .mpg files. How do we make this hi-res .mpg file? Easy CD also wants a mandatory start sequence, and purposely leaving one out makes the resulting VCD merely ver 1.x (no user selectable branching) even though a menu page was included and one-level selection was specified in the CD authoring. But I know it's possible not to have a start sequence because lots of VCDs immediately display the menu screen upon loading into the player: no start sequence or track. Is Easy CD stuck on these, and do I now need another VCD creation s/w?? I'm using ver 3.01d because 3.5d is very tricky/buggy/unpredictable where VCD creation is concerned. Thanks everyone for any info. Take care.

-- Emmanuel Martinez (, August 10, 1999


I have the same problem you do with the EZ-CD Creator High Res. Stills(704x480). I found out that there is a program called DVMPEG, but I downloaded a demo copy & I couldn't see a option for a high res still. I think that option was not in the demo. If you have any luck with it, please e-mail me. Good Luck!

-- Jake (, September 18, 1999.

I have the same problem.

Try to use WinOnCD + VideoPack 4 You can create menu with Visual and "Drag & Drop" way. Also, you can drag the high resolution image directly (you dont need to convert the image file to MPEG first).

Have a nice try !

-- Arry Akhmad Arman (, November 11, 1999.

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