OMG! She's alive...or...Viva Las Vegas : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hi all! I know I haven't been around, but I always follow the board faithfully. Quick hugs to lai, gobbles, editrix, chippers, and weenie woman (lehave), and all of you!

Also, I wanted to tell everyone that Gil\grinch\trickster\loslocouno (he has more aliases than the 10 most wanted list) and I (still plain ole lisaski) are going to get married in september in las vegas!

Hugs and kisses--Lis

-- lisaski (, August 10, 1999


That's wonderful news my friend!!! BIGGGGGGGG HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGs for both of you.....:)) we'll have to have a party...:)

-- gobbles (, August 10, 1999.

YAY Lisa! I hope you two have an awesome time in Vegas!~ But, please tell me your not doing the drive thru wedding? hehehehe Hugs and Kisses to you both!


-- Shel (, August 10, 1999.

Puh--leeese are going to the "L'il Elvis Church" (snicker).

Really, its the Cantabury Chapel at the Excalibur.......

-- lisaski (, August 11, 1999.

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