KODAK DC240 Quality Settings

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I just bought a Kodak DC240 and can't seem to get the "best" quality setting to work. I have shot numerous test shots with the three settings of best, better, good. For example, one set of shots produced file sizes of 258kb, 257kb, and 193kb for best, better, and good, respectively. This is one-half the average size quoted in the Imaging Resource's review (500KB). Any thoughts would be appreciated.


-- Marc Arnold (marnold@primary.net), August 09, 1999


The estimate file size is only a guess. Take a picture of a black wall...that's easy to compress...you get a small file size. But take a picture of a tree, and the detail is enormous, the file size is large. What was your test image for thee shots you mention? If it was your room or anything like that, I'm not surprised. Make your test image be OUTSIDE, and of something where there isn't the same color for more than a couple inches. No roads, or houses. Get some plants....


-- Peter (phobos@hotpop.com), August 09, 1999.


Thanks for the response. I have since shot a seen with trees and came up with the same result. File sizes were approximately the same too.

-- Marc Arnold (marnold@primary.net), August 09, 1999.

Did you use the kodak mounter software to load the file to your pc? If you use Adobe photodeluxe and other similar program, the program will change the compression ratio (hence the image quality) when you save the file to jpg format. Suggestion: make sure you set the correct compression ratio desired before you save.

-- kjteng (gjdeng@yahoo.com), September 14, 1999.

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