How do you burn a VCD from different sources? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I tried burning exact replicas of VCDs and they work fine. My PC is able to read them, as well as my Panasonic VCD player (portable). But when i try to create a VCD from different VCDs (ie: picking my favorite tracks from different VCD's and burning them into one single VCD)only my PC is able to read it. Unfortunately my VCD player is unable to read it. Can someone please help me solve this problem. Thanks a ton!!!

-- Ivan Su (, August 07, 1999


Hey Ivan, I have the same problem. Can u please let me know if you solve this problem already. BTW, the replicas that I made won't even play in my DVD/VCD player. I have a Pioneer DVD-V555.


-- Joey (, August 10, 1999.

As I know, only some of DVD player can read CD-R, like SONY DVD player. None of DVD player so far, can read CD-RW.

Also, I guess, like make an audio CD, you have to finalize the CD recording, otherwise, it won't read all the tracks you recorded.

There are some help hints at NTI's FAQ websit.

-- eric zhang (, August 10, 1999.

i use vcdcutter and it works,i use apex-703 model player with 3 disc changer,this machine kicks !!!! it plays anything including re- writables

-- shello (, October 14, 2000.

my toshiba sd6109 plays XVCDs burned on compusa 4X cd-rw media better than on any cd-r media i've tested.

-- hitechjunkie (, October 18, 2000.

Just have to correct the above SONY post. MOST SONY'S CAN NOT READ CDR! Some can play CD-RW. SONY has changed the way it makes it's new players. It now only uses one laser. (Cheaper to make and stops vcd pirates.) If you are having problems playing a vcd you created or are planning to make your own MAKE SURE your set-top dvd player will play them first. A list of players is at This will save you hours and hours. Just because it says it plays vcd's on the front, doesn't mean it plays "home-brewed ones."

Possible answer to original post. You must convert the .dat file into an mpeg, then demux it and remux it to correct/insert proper gop headers, and then back into a dat for the new vcd. Are you just copying a .dat file? This only works if you are copying an entire vcd (including all the subfolders.)

-- ____oly (, October 19, 2000.

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