smartadmin problems : LUSENET : S-Mart Shopping Cart : One Thread

When executing the smartadmin.cgi I am getting this garble on the top and the bottom:

W< .z ..p<demoheader.htmlt< smart.cfgEZ<demo.dbh=demofooter.htmls<item.idtExtE]=smartadmin.cgiE= shipping.dbr< ccverify.libmEX< smart.cgi B|< order.htmlBY<_vti_cnff"@d=demoorder.html@-/dordersEdemofooter.html.bak2=/E

It is cutting some of the features off at the bottom of the page.

Any ideas?

-- Jeremy Blawn (, August 06, 1999



If you used a custom "html" editor it adds in extra tags. In the "demoheader.html" use a text editor and remove the /body /html tags and any other extra tags that are there at the bottom of the file only.

In the "demofooter.html" remove the html body meta tags and any other tags that are there at the top of the file only.

Set you permissions every time you edit or upload a file.


-- James L. Farmer (, August 08, 1999.

Same thing comes up even when removing the tags at the bottom of demoheader and top of demofooter.

-- Jeremy Blawn (, August 08, 1999.


Did you set your permissions for "demoheader.html" and "demofooter.html" and "smartadmin.cgi" to 755. And set the directory permission to 777.


-- James L. Farmer (, August 08, 1999.

If your smartadmin script produces jumbled results ("smart.cfgEZ<demo.dbh=demofooter.htmls<item.idtExtE]=sm artadmin.cgiE=") then it looks to me that you are uploading the scripts in binary form, rather than ascii. Make sure you are uploading EVERYTHING except graphics in ascii.

Todd Miller Atrios Systems Research

-- Todd Miller (, August 08, 1999.

Set the modes on the files/dir and that did nothing.

I didn't upload anything through ftp, I just downloaded the files via lynx on the shell.

-- Jeremy Blawn (, August 08, 1999.

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