New Annoucement from the Church of Doom : LUSENET : Y2K Satire : One Thread

Official Message from the Church of Yourdon, Doomer

A new revelation has come to pass. Our Lord, Ed, has revealed that it is now time to cease our efforts to convert the wicked. Those who are worthy of his message have heard it, and will be saved. Those who have not heard his message will die of starvation and horrible disease. This is the curse they have brought on themselves by not listening to the WORD of ED. Now shall come our time of TRIUMPH. For Ed has said that it shall come to pass, after the time of destruction, there will be a new beginning. And the faithful shall lead the world in the effort to rebuild. And all shall come to ED for his truth shall then be made manifest unto men. And all shall glory in his truth and we shall rebuild the world in the image of GariEd.

(Of course, if this doesn't come to pass, we can still fall back on plan B, and claim our warnings saved the world. Don't you just love playing heads I win/tails you lose?)

-- MadSatyrist (, August 06, 1999


Quoting from 2 Opinions 3:16 it looks like.

"For GarEd so loved the doombrood, he gave his only begotten website. And whosoever believeth in them, shall not perish, but have everlasting Rice."

-- Knothead Ken (, August 06, 1999.

Yea, though I walk with brother Garee thru the valley of gloom, I shall feel no fear, 'cause I got more beans, rice, and guns than y'all.

-- LAN Lord (, August 06, 1999.

"Yeah, and the Lord sayeth onto Brother Gary, if damnation dost not indeed come to pass, thou shalt eat thy "preps". And those of thy neighbors. Verily"

-- The Tall Man (, August 08, 1999.

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