If camera is obsolete before it arrivies

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I ordered a Nikon coolpix950 cammera I won't recieve it until mid September I just came across this article about new type of digital film. Magneto-Optical Disk system.(MO) Nikon is suppose to be on the band wagon. Will this new type of film fit in my nikon. If you don't know where can I go to find out. Thank you Howard Brammer

-- Howard K. Brammer (a_185cm@yahoo.com), August 06, 1999


First to clear up a misunderstanding MO is a data storage system not a film. It's for storing the images in digital form like JPEG or TIFF or many of the other formats available for digital images.

Now as to your Coolpix 950 being obselete, in this day of new products anything we buy is obsolete in only a short while so it's best not to worry about it at this time. Your coolpix will give you plenty of enjoyment. This new technology just means that you'll be able to store more images on a disk or card then we presently do. Meaning that in the future it will be possible to have 1 gigabyte (1000 megabytes) plus cards for different devices that need them at hopefully a price we consumers can afford. Hope this helps.

-- Gary Wilson (gwilson@ffca.com), August 06, 1999.

A camera is obsolete only when it no longer functions and cannot be repaired. Your 950 will still take high quality pixelgraphs even when the newer faster bigger better model replaces it.

-- Paul Staton (pstaton@houston.rr.com), November 14, 1999.

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