What makes you feel like a teenager?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Are there things you like to pretend that your parents just don't know about you? And do you still harbor any of the same fears you had as a teenager, even though the reasons for those fears are long gone?

I used to have this terrible fear that I would get pregnant, become a drug addict, and wind up as a prostitute to support myself and my kid. I was really worried about that in high school, even though I was the most angelic little virgin child in the world.

I think I secretly still have that fear -- like if I get pregnant, they'll take away my law degree (and my high school diploma, for that matter), and I'll wind up on the streets.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999


Oh, yeah, and I still worry that child molesters might get me. I stitll would never take candy from a stranger.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

Simply having a crush makes me feel 12. And I make sure no one but my bestest friends know about it until it does or does not come to fruition.

That and asking to borrow money from my dad. Even if it's a quarter for a soda.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

I'm married, and I pretend that my parents don't know that my husband and I have sex. If I ever get pregnant, it will just have to be a miracle.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

Shasta had no idea you were having sex with Jeremy. She may never fetch again!

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

You told Shasta? Oh, man, I'll never be able to face her again.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

Hard to believe anyone over the age of consent cares if other people know (or assume) they have sex. What's so embarassing about that? and yes, it does sound like you have some *issues* about pregnancy and children, but most of us do, one way or the other. I'm glad I had my daughter (on purpose, totally wanted) when I was very young. She didn't ruin my life, she saved it. And I would be a much shallower, more self-absorbed, less balanced, less stable, less intelligent person without having raised her, I am sure.

But anyway... what makes me feel like a teenager... falling in love (or in lust). Age never changes that feeling, or removes the ability to act like a total idiot when your hormones make your brain take a vacation.


-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

Oh. I assumed everyone would realize that today's entry was a joke. I guess I should say Today's Entry is a Joke in big letters at the top. And even the joke referred to my habit of forgetting that I'm thirty rather than sixteen. But I guess if I have to explain, then it really didn't work. As for my "issues" about pregnancy, the issue there is that I don't want children and neither does my partner, and thus we don't want to be pregnant. I guess we'll just have to stay shallow, self-absorbed, unbalanced, and unstable for our entire lives.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

A huge crush that is based solely on lust. mmmmhhmm.


-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

Well.. the fact that I'm only a few years removed from teenager status always helps. Seriously though, I also feel like the whole world looks down on the bf and I. To them, we should still be at the "sitting together at lunch" stage since, of course, we are both still in 7th grade. He still hasn't given me his class ring or football jersey to wear (not that he owns one) though, so I can't tell if he's serious about me or not.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

Drinking Mountain Dew makes me feel like a teenager. I feel like I'm too old to be allowed to drink it and I get all embarrassed. Oh, wait... I guess what I mean is that Mountain Dew makes me feel really really old, ancient and decrepit.

What makes me feel like a teenager is buying booze or having a drink around my mom. They never drank much when I was growing up, and I still feel like I should be sneaking sips from a bottle of Southern Comfort hidden in the liquor cabinet when my parents are out bowling.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

Everything makes me feel like a teenager.

But, then again, I'm a guy.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

Oh man, I can't stand knowing that other people know that I have sex, either.

The first time I met my future mother in law and we stayed at her house, she showed me the room we'd be staying in and said something about us being able to "frolic" in there. Oh, man. That is wrong on so many levels. I'd have been way more comfortable if she'd given us separate rooms. I like people's parents to act like grownups even if I'm a grownup too.

I was sexually active starting in high school and getting pregnant has always been my biggest fear. Even for married women, it seems like it would be really embarassing to tell people you're pregnant and then walk around with it showing.

I guess I have some issues too.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

Hoo boy... Well, I still feel a bit 'odd' drinking around my parents etc. I think the fact that they seem to assume that, since I'm in college, I must drink myself into a coma every weekend. Or maybe that's just the grandparents. (I think my parents know me better... I hope they do). Along the same lines, I like to avoid any other subject that results in newspaper articles being clipped for me, accompanied by lectures. (This excludes actual news and humour, of course) I'm now able to purchase 'feminine hygiene products' (and I really would like to know why condoms fall in that category), but I do still have the urge to go to the other side of town, somewhere I'm sure I won't run into anybody I know. And, of course, pay cash & not use coupon cards just so _nobody will know_. But I'm getting better. (I do try to avoid stores where I know people working, or where I know the people make conversation about what I'm buying) The word 'boyfriend' makes me feel like a 13 year old, for some reason. And lets just leave the 'parents knowing about sex' issues alone, shall we? I like to assume they know nothing about my sex life, and I think they like to assume I don't have one. But then, most things in my family make me feel like a little kid, anyway.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

So many things make me feel like a teenager. I despise having to buy tampons or say the word 'period' in front of anyone I know, including Dave.

I would also prefer to never discuss sex with my mother ever again. Especially since my parents are divorced, and my mother dates again and she once told me about a guy she had sex with.

Oh, wow, Too Much Information.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

I always feel like a kid when I meet my friend's parents. It totally sends me into teen mode -stand quietly, don't talk, and your friend will get you outta there soon. And when you really WERE a teen you had to be quiet, in case you weren't privy to the current story. "So were are you two off to tonight?". "A party", "What, Jeff told me you two were going to a movie!!!" . oh shit, no party.

The first time I met Beth and Jeremy's parents was when we moved them to the new house (and all their large volume of really heavy shit). I was the one who went on the beer run -showing up with a case of beer and hanging with their parents was very weird. I can't even remember if their parents even had a beer, I was too busy being self conscious.

makes no sense, but it happens....

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

If I know my parents, they probably had a beer. Well, they were on that fake beer kick for a while, but I think they're over it.

Ashley: what?! you have a sex life? Does your brother know?

(Just kidding.)

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

Cold showers for everyone!!!

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

Well, since my mom's in the middle of her 12 DAY VISIT, I've got lots of issues right now and do I ever feel like a teenager! Last night Mom wanted to know why I couldn't sleep in my bed with her (I've been going off to sleep at boyfriend's houses all week). She actually said to me, "Well. You sleep with Other People...and I'm sure I'M MUCH less demanding."

I put my fork down and just gaped at her. Oh, heaven help me.

Earlier this visit, before I started realizing just how small my space is with my mother living in it, we had a good talk about sex - found out I was older than she was when I lost my virginity ("Well, Heather, I was ENGAGED."). I didn't mind talking about sex w/her (we'd been wine tasting in Napa), but then she said, "Well, you must have your trysts at your house; I must be really cramping your style...do you want me to see if the Adelaide has rooms open this week so you can have your boyfriends over?"

Unfortunately for everyone concerned, they did not.

And, despite my best efforts to hide my erotica, Mom found a Good Vibrations catalog. Now, while I offered to help her order something, the mere fact that she discovered this in my bedroom made me feel like a teenager.

And lets not even get into how she likes to comment on my behavior and tell me what to eat. We had Ethiopian food the other night, and they put collard greens on our plate. She nagged me the entire meal about eating them, "They're so good for you, Heather...look, *I'm* eating my collard greens." Finally, I looked at her and said, "This is the point of the conversation where, if you were anyone else, I'd say, 'Who do you think you are, my mother?'"

I LIKE not being a teenager anymore, which is why this long visit from mom is driving me nuts.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

Loitering in front of a convenience store always makes me feel like a teenager again. If we happen to run into someone we know and chat for a while I get strangely embarrassed. People stare you down and I insist in their heads they're thinking "God damned kids don't have anything better to do." My face gets red and I feel childish. Also, having a train of cars following eachother to a destination makes me feel like a teen. Oh wait! But not as much as getting caught buying one of those fashion magazines, even Cosmo. God, I'm mortified when that happens!

I think everyone wishes their parents didn't know they have sex. I certainly agree. Especially my *gulp* Dad. Mom and I will be talking about pregnancy (she desperately wishes I WOULD get pregnant!!!) and my Dad will come in "Whatcha talkin about?", Mom says "SEX!", Dad replies "Why, we don't have any?!", Mom laughs and says "Not our sex, her sex." Dad: "She has SEX?!!!Where'd she learn to do THAT?!!!" and I turn beet red and put on that embarrassed smile and practically run from the room. At that point the conversation got far engouh. And anytime the boyfriend's over the house with me, standing before my father with thim I keep imagining my Dad thinking "This bastard is having sex with my daughter." I know it's what I'm thinking and I know the boyfriend's thinking the same thing.

-- Anonymous, August 06, 1999

Practically any conversation I have with my mother, father, or sister makes me feel like a teenager again. It doesn't matter that I haven't been a teen in 15 years. It also doesn't matter that I've been widowed, had a job and supported myself like a responsible adult, either. Just a word or inflection from any of them, particularly my mom or sister, and I'm a defensive 15-year old again.

-- Anonymous, August 06, 1999

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