Summitted K2 in last 5 years? : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I recently heard that no one has summitted K2 in the last 5 years.

Is that true? Seems hard to believe although I know the weather was horrible last year.


-- Habib (, August 05, 1999


Where did you hear that? I don't believe it's true. I glanced through the 1998 AAJ last night and it seemed to indicate at least one successful expedition in 1997.

-- George Bell (, August 06, 1999.

You are certainly mistaken in your belief. I personally know Carlos Buhler, who summitted the North Ridge in August of 1996 with two Russians, one of which died on the descent. Carlos went to K2 as part of a Polish expedition, which fell apart after several weeks and reached 7,000 metres. The Russians welcomed Carlos to their team, the Polish group left, and the rest is history. The Poles returned later and summitted using the Russians fixed ropes and other gear.

-- Paul Soboleski (, January 07, 2000.

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