nikon950 now or wait : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread


I ordered the nikon 950 with Lexar cf card reader. Both are back orderd middle of the month. I just read a what I thought was a very impressive promo on the epson 800.With new things comming out all the time. what should I do?

What is compactflashII is will my nikon be able to use it. thank you

-- Howard k. Brammer (, August 04, 1999


I do not know what a Lexar cf card reader is...but I do know that the stock Nikon 950 is not compatible with the compact flash II. However, Compact Flash is available in high memory quantities. Just remember though that you can only use one compact flash at a time. There is only one slot available.

-- Shaneen Kohler (, August 19, 1999.

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