GL-1 : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

What has anybody heard about the GL-1 dv from Canon that will be released in September? My sources say it is as good as the XL-1 for two grand less. It doesn't have the interchangeable lenses though. I'm excited.

-- Dennis Teigeler (, August 01, 1999


Check out the promax site ( for a pix

-- kalunga (, August 02, 1999.

Check out the promax site ( for a pix.

-- kalunga (, August 02, 1999.

The following is from John Cooksey Newsletter The new GL-1 Doesn't look as impressive as the XL-1, is lighter and has a fold out LCD (2.5") screen. It seems to have all the features the XL-1 has, at a lower price ($2300) give or take. The lens is 20 X ( 4.2 to 84mm) optical zoom, optical image stabilization with firewire. You can also record video though it's analog S-video input. Sounds like it will work for me.....Have fun.

-- John L Cummings (, September 21, 1999.

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