This is Gonna Be Tough : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hello and Good Wishes to all my fellow Exilers......

Making a couple of changes in my life......and after tomorrow I wont have a computer at my disposal as I would care to. Don't fret soon as I can save the $$$, I'll be back in the chat!!

I want to thank everyone here for their support......I'm gonna miss you all while I'm away from Exile!! I still will be able to check my email periodically please write and keep me updated.

Hopefully I can get back online by my birthday........Anyone for a party then???

Hugs and Kisses to All.......Sunflower Girl

-- SunflowerGirl1 (, July 30, 1999


Oh man! You know I will! If I could afford it I'd send you a danged computer... maybe even one that's not danged. You'd better come back or I'll send "Guido" after you! *humming The Godfather theme song* lol Just when I think I may be able to come back more you're leaving... waa :(

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, July 30, 1999.

Well I am sorry to hear about you leaving SFG. You have always been there for me and i am here for you . just e-mail me when you need to get things off your chest. I must admit ia m a rare soul around now days. i am still workign alot but once i get back to college i will be on more. not working rediculas hours and having alot of places to go. heheh. hope to hear from you soon.

-- Wolfie (, July 31, 1999.

:( will miss you SFG. good luck with everything! ~Medea

-- Medea.. (, July 31, 1999.

Sorry you're leaving us SFG....I'll be looking out for your return with a computer that makes life easier (do they exist?) HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

-- gobbles (, July 31, 1999.

YEAH RIGHT!!!! JUST AS FOOTBALL SEASON STARTS!. I just want everyone know that the real reason you are taking off is because you can not accept the fact that the REDSKINS will not have a winning season.(and my abuse...LOL) Hurry back you! I have a great offer for you!...I'll loan you the money at a great deal....rate will be only 35 1/2% over the next 2 weeks!...and if you fault on the loan...I'll get that guy Guido Laighe mentioned!...LOL

-- Da' wash (, July 31, 1999.

hey you... we are gonna miss you bigtime. hope your world settles well and quickly back into some semblance of order. * hugs for you hun*

-- desdra (, July 31, 1999.

Well sun.......all I can say is I hope your absence is as short as mine was! LOL Someday I'll stop being emotional and admit I'll never totally leave! BTW......there is that internet company that gives you a puter if you sign up for their service for 3 yrs.......*shrug* Good Luck hon!

Hugs and Kisses


-- Shel (, August 01, 1999.

girl anyting you need to tell me just have zzzgirl do it I still have her and you on icq

-- jamais1 (, August 06, 1999.

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