Hello frome leucitegreenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Hi you all. I saw leu in the notebook this morning....and she asked me to post a hello to all of you from her. She said its been some time since she has been able to get online. Um... Don't ask me where she's at plz.....lol Im weak on my geography..... all I remember......from 4 am this morning...Is the place starts with an "M" near another place with an "M" and its owned by france? LOLOL Ok now that I sound like a total idiot.......I'll end this. So, hi's and hugs from leu!Shell
-- Shel (Shelbyx@email.msn.com), July 29, 1999
Mauritius? near Madagascar? .. sounds like a good place to be, how's she and the trip going?Jaizee
-- jaizee (jaizee@mailexcite.com), July 30, 1999.
The Maldives maybe? Thanks for the update shels. I hope I catch leucite online someday soon myself!
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), July 30, 1999.
MAYDAY, MAYDAY!....Shel I'm sending you "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego"...ASAP!!!!My kids have beat it,,,and they said you could have it....(my kids know where Lieu is...hahahahaha)
-- Da' wash (KFGJokerDOC@worldnet.att.net), August 02, 1999.
Well dang blast it Wash what's the correct answer? LOL!!! Inquiring minds want to know.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), August 04, 1999.
:P Poooooooo! It is near Madagascar I believe......hmmm but I'm not sure.......heh Whichever is owned by France! If I only had a memory.... but like I said it was 4 am when I saw her! Hmm but Maldives does sound familiar! *grin*Whats the answer poo?
-- Shel (Shelbyx@email.msn.com), August 04, 1999.
Oh, and she is fine.......enjoying the trip. She's lost loads of weight, says its hard work....but loves it!
-- Shel (Shelbyx@email.msn.com), August 04, 1999.