Hypertropic Cardiomyopathy

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

My cat Jenna is approximately 16 months old. I am fairly certain she is a Maine Coon. She was recently diagnosed with HCM. I am trying to find as much information as I possibly can that will allow me to Jenna alive while also trying to maintain her quality of life. My vet currently does not feel that medications would be appropriate. I would appreciate any information that you may have.

-- Anonymous, July 29, 1999


We recently lost our 4 year old neutered male Maine Coon to HCM which caused a blood clot in his lower spine. He was diagnosed a year ago and his condition was extremely serious. He was on the Rx Lasix and half a baby aspirin every three days. I am not a vet but based on my experience I would increase the aspirin dose. Also try to keep Jenna from stressful situations.

When I posted my question in July, one response said to check the HCM web site. http://members.aol.com/jchinitz/hcm/

Also Heillary Helmrich knows a vet at U of C Davis that gave a talk on HCM in Maine coons at the winn foundation dinner. Contact "Martha Auspitz" That's the information I got on my posting.

Fredrick lived a normal life and did not act any different than our other cat. His quality of life was there until two days before he died. He only suffered the last day and I think some of that was because our vet did not want to tell us the truth and she was not aggresive enough.

Try to find a vet that knows something about Maine Coons. Ours was suppose to be an internal vet. but I don't think she knew more than a regular gp vet.

If I find more info. will send it.

Maine Coons are a wonderful breed, Fredrick was our first. We will always prefer the breed.

Good luck with Jenna. She will be in our prayers.

-- Anonymous, August 05, 1999

DO NOT increase the aspirin dose!! Aspirin is deadly poison to cats! If it is being used for its anticoagulant effect, talk to your vet about an alternative.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 1999

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