C of G "F" units??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Hello agian! Does anyone out there know where I can get an HO scale "F" unit engine, in C of G, such as the "Nancy Hanks", for display? I don't have megabucks to spend, but I would really like to have one, and I can't paint worth anything. Thank you for the responses to my previous question about the abandoned line near Griffin. I work in and around Griffin, and can keep y'all posted on current activities. Feel free to e-mail me anytime!

-- Elton Rosser (repoman801@hotmail.com), July 28, 1999


Mr. Rosser, S & J Custom Models of Biloxi MS does some of the best custom painting anywhere. Contact him, Judd Pease, at 228-392-3167 or sjmodels@datasync.com. If he can get the decals for the CofG units, he will do you a great paint job at a reasonable price. Brian Johnston @ 228-762-3045

-- Brian Johnston (JOHNSTON_RICHARD_B@SSPASC.NAVY.MIL), July 28, 1999.

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