Does 'GI' == NRA member? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Does GI mean you are pro-NRA (National Rifle Association)?

Andy Ray

-- Andy Ray (, July 27, 1999


-- . (.@...), July 27, 1999.

Only if you feel that you may need to protect your loved ones...or hunt...

-- Mad Monk (, July 27, 1999.

Mr. Ray

Sir I do belive that you would try the patiece of a Budist preist!!


-- Shakey (in_a_bunker@forty.feet), July 27, 1999.

Andy Ray -- a sad, pathetic troll. Asking his silly questions, now just about ignored entirely. Its getting old now, Andy Ray. Can't you think of ANYTHING new? Even Jimmy Bagga Doughnuts showed a lot of creativity. And your pidly use of alternate fonts doesn't even begin to come up to Mutha's magic with html.

Face it, son. As surely as Decker is our cleverest troll, you are surely our densest.

-- King of Spain (, July 28, 1999.

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