Do you like big dogs? Little dogs? Any dogs? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

I don't have a bias against little dogs. We had small dogs when I was a kid -- a Pomeranian/Sheltie mix, a Pekingese, a Basset Hound -- and only one big dog, a Doberman. I love Jeremy's parents' dogs (one is a a smallish Dachshund mix, the other is medium sized) and Yorkies and the little poodle across the street. I considered both Chihuahuas and Miniature Pinschers when I was living in an apartment. I really like little dogs. (Our Pomeranian mix killed rattle snakes, and our Pekingese was 100% farm dog.)

But I really wanted a big dog, and I'm not sure why. Maybe because as it is I'm scared to go for a walk by myself at night. I guess I wanted a dog that looked like it could be mean, but wouldn't really be mean.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999


I'm more of a cat person, but I do love dogs as well.

I prefer medium-sized dogs like Beagles (LOVE Beagles) but for some reason, have always wanted a Dalmation. Whenever I see one, my heart melts and I want to drag him home with me.

Beth, Doc is friggin' adorable. I want one that looks like Doc now. Please post more pictures of him. :)

-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999

I'm not crazy about dogs in general, but some of them are OK. I like cats better, but am allergic to them now.

I just have no desire to own pets at this point, and haven't had any for about 20 years. I raised a child, starting when I was almost a child myself, so I guess I got a lot of my nurturing urges satisfied that way, from age 18 to 36. Since then I have enjoyed not having to be directly responsible for any living beings other than myself and a few houseplants.

My daughter makes up for my pet deficiency though, by having five cats and planning to get a couple of dogs as soon as she and her husband are able to move into a place where they can have them. She'd have a whole menagerie of pets and farm animals if she could. And I'd love to visit them all, but I don't want to have them myself!


-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999

I pretty much like all dogs - although large dogs sort of scare me anymore.

No, I take that. Large dogs scare me when they are confined in small areas. They're so good at breaking things when they're in small areas. Other than that, they're dolls. Your pup is adorable. I see you've mentioned you've had mini dobermans in the past - here's my little one who just turned a year old this past Friday. We gave him a little cup cake and sang to him - I love dogs. Here he is with his girlfriend, Zoe.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999

No, we had a big ol' Doberman, not a miniature pinscher. I just like mini-pins, because they're so hilarious.

Your dog is adorable!

-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999

I am more of a cat person but I do love dogs, and when my SO and I talked about getting a dog we decided it would have to be after we moved away from the city because we both wanted a big dog like a malamute or a huskie. Then about two years ago this little dog kind of fell into our laps. Ok so we stole him from the pyscho abusive bitch who was practically killing him but whatever. He is now full grown and wieghts in at 12 pounds on a good day (less than half the weight of my cat) and I don't think I could ever part with him. My biggest complaint about little dogs is that they yipped but Cecil (the dog) has a definate bark and he cuddles and behaves quite well. I guess it doesn't hurt that he was raised by the cat. So despite my apprehention I guess some little dogs don't suck at least not too much. But next time I get another gog I want a german shepard.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999

BIG DOGS! I have a newfie, and although I keep putting things where I think that they are out of her reach, she is growing so fast that whatever I thought was safe really isn't. It is nice to take her for a walk, and although I know she loves everyone, they don't know that so no one messes with me.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999

I'm afraid I'll have to go with medium dogs on this one. I like being able to pick my dog up and put him in his crate if he's done something evil.

I know big dogs can be well-behaved with proper training, but I'd always be worried a little bit in the back of my mind.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999

Your puppy is adorable!!!

I've always liked HUGE dogs, Great Danes, St. Bernards, Pyrenee Mountain Dogs, Old English Sheepdogs... but who can afford the food, one, or the space, two, and it would be downright cruel to keep that furry a dog in Sacramento.

(So, Sailor is descended from sled dogs, and I have him in Sacramento! Consistency is my middle name!)

Sailor is a medium size. So was the dog we had before, while Heinz was medium-small.

I even like some lap dogs, though the yappy ones aren't that great.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999

You have a twenty-four pound cat?

My god.

I have twenty-four pounds of cat, but it's not all the same cat. Thank god.

For some reason though I've been wanting a dog lately. Don't ask me why, I've only ever had cats my whole life. It's some weird perversion of the biological clock, I guess.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999

I am mainly a cat person. Have been and always will be... but this dog cycle that I've been going through has been weird. I've been living in my current house for about 2 and a half years. There is a cocker cpaniel next door. This dog has made me not like dogs. She barks at EVERYTHING. We've been living here for TWO AND A HALF YEARS, and she STILL barks at us when we drive up. Hell, she still barks at her OWNERS when they drive up. You could be in the house, visiting, for HOURS, and if she finally notices that you are there, she will start barking. You pet her, then stop - she barks. Three words for you:

A Noy Ing

This dog has unfairly prejudiced me against the entire dog population.

THANKFULLY, I have a friend who has a veritible ZOO at her house. She has FOUR dogs, and I love them all to death. They are SO well-behaved and lovable, even the HUGE dalmation. They bark when you get there - but they've been trained that way. And it's that "I'm barking because the doorbell rang, and the door is closed, and I don't know who it is." But once the door is opened and they see who it is, they settle right down... they are WONDERFUL.

So... even though I'm not a HUGE dog lover, I have to say that they're not as bad as the one that lives next door to me. I prefer any-sized, WELL-TRAINED dogs. (=

-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999

Actually Simon(my cat) is 29.5 pounds. I have tried diets and he does not lose wieght he's also very tall so I think it's just him. He has always been big even when he was a kitten, so he's huge. But the really funny thing is watching him and the dog play-fight (although sometimes it is real fighting) because he will just kind of roll over on the dog when he's had enough untill the dog yelps and then he gets up and walks away. On a unrelated note although this whole post is unrelated, when I first moved into my apartment my nieghbors downstairs asked me how old my baby was because they heard it running around all the time, and I paused for a moment and realized they were talking about my cat.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999

Pictures at last!!! He's very big are his paws? That's a pretty good indicator of just how large he might be.

Medium-sized dogs for me - my little girl english setter, Meg, is three and she's precisely the right. Did you realize that you were going to be flooded with pictures of all of our dogs? Mine is in the mail too. What a lovely thing you have done for your life - I can't think of what I would do without my lovely girl.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999

Doc is way too cute...I'm so glad we finally got a picture!

My dogs are both over 95 pounds and I hate to break it to you but one of them is a pure black lab..proof that labs do get that big! Jake is a husky/shepherd/doberman mix and he's very tall so he doesn't seem so big. Tucker is just stocky as hell. We used to tie him to a 45 pound weight in the front yard to keep him from running off so we think we made him into a weightlifter. He's very muscular.

Big dogs are more expensive, we go through 35 pounds of dog food every three weeks or so. But they make you feel safe...almost fearless. And I don't know...they just love us. How could I not love them?

-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999

I love all dogs. I didn't used to like small dogs, but I stopped and said hello to a few of them and my thoughts changed. My friends mother has a very sweet Wheaton Terrier.

I like to own big dogs though and I prefer retrievers -- labs and goldens. All of my dogs (3 of them) are part lab. I like to have a dog that likes to play fetch.

Paws? Want to see big paws? This is my first time posting to your forum, so I just wanted to add that it's great to see you back. I've followed all your journal incarnations, with the exception of the garden one...I don't have much of a green thumb or interest.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999

I like medium or big but definately not small and yappy!

We have two dogs: Bill, a pit bull/pointer mix, and Suki, a 1 1/2 year old full-blooded Akita. Bill weighs in at about 75, Suki tops the scales at about 125. Both are ruled by my 36 pound three year old human.

We also have two cats. We used to have 3. Boris, who passed away almost two years ago weighed in at a whopping 30 lbs. He was the best cat I've ever met. One of my other kitties, Gable is about 24 pounds so not too small, and Natasha is a petite 12 pounds. (But is the boss of every animal in the house.)

Back to the question, I like medium sized dogs for their convenience--smaller is definately easier to manage. But I think big dogs are cooler. The bigger the better almost, but not good for lap cuddling. (Although Suki wouldn't believe that.)


-- Anonymous, July 27, 1999

I'm mostly a cat person, but I have always wanted a dog. Unfortunately I live in a flat and I'm really not even supposed to have a cat.

I like BIG DOGS and BIG CATS. The bigger the better. My cat is about as big as a medium sized dog. I want a dog just like yours Beth, I *love* big black dogs.

Although I have to say I saw a little tiny puppy the other day at the doctors surgery (one of the nurses was dog-minding) and since then I have been obsessed with the idea of having one of these puppies. It was one of those pug-puppies with the flat, wrinkly black faces (milk coffee body). It was soooo cute. I think those dogs grow to be on the small side of medium, although I'm not sure. They are nice and fat and muscly though. Actually, I like any dog that is friendly and that isn't *too* hyperactive.

I really miss having a dog to take for walks. I've tried training Gary (my cat) to be on a leash but he flatly refuses to co-operate... hmph... Perhaps I should leave the poor puss alone and start a dog walking service.

-- Anonymous, July 28, 1999

Sure, puppies are soooooo cute. Problem is, they always grow up to become noisy, smelly, salivating, hair-shedding monsters who keep on standing in your way, no matter which way you turn. Especially where I live. Almost every household here in the Netherlands owns at least one dog. I'm sure it'd be nice to meet a dog every now and then, but there are limits. There's just way too many of them out here!

And don't think I don't know what I'm talking about - I'm from Amsterdam, and you Americans don't call this 'dogshit-city' for nothing! It is indeed the dogshit capital of the world.

-- Anonymous, July 28, 1999

I messed up the link to Ginger's picture the other day, it's here:

And I'll tell you how to keep that smell out of your house! Keep your dog clean! Give them a good bath at least once a month. Vacuum a lot and it will keep the hair up. The best way to keep the shedding at a minumum (at least for labs) is to use a shedding blade on them. It's a seraded blade with leather handles that you pull down their backs and it pulls out all the hair. It's not sharp, and it feels like a brush to them. Do it outside and all the hair comes out and they do not shed nearly as much.

Just a little tip!


-- Anonymous, July 28, 1999

I'm a cat person, but I like some individual dogs after years of being scared by them. Generally big dogs scare me if they jump on me. The first dog I liked was an oversized Sheltie who was so well trained that when he sat in the car with us while we ate our McDonalds lunch, he didn't beg. He had been taught not to.

I like miniature dachhunds and chihuahuas, but Pat says that if I get one of the latter, "I will go into the garage, I will get a shovel, and I will kill it."

It's interesting that we bought a house and now everybody is sayihng to us, "You bought a house - when are you getting a dog??"

-- Anonymous, July 28, 1999

I like medium and big dogs, not tiny ones. Although I must say I liked the one chihuahua I met, though she did look like a bug. I do think of our dogs as being fairly small, though (20-35 pounds). But that might just be because most of my dog experience has been bug. Miles' dog is a Labradoodle(I just like saying that), and about 85 pounds. She's adorable, and actually looks like Sheila, dyed black, and expanded by a factor of three. (acts like her too). But then, Miles' grandparents have a cocker spaniel, and my goodness that dog is annoying. Very hyperactive, a little aggressive, and yippy/whiny. Cute, but I wouldn't want to live with him. I do like that when you walk a big dog, they pull you along a bit and it's much easier. But then, when you they want to do something, it's much harder to stop them. So... I like mellow dogs. Doesn't really matter what size, but larger ones seem to have a greater tendency to calm down.

-- Anonymous, July 28, 1999

I was wondering when you'd post a picture of Doc . He's adorable, but too bad he doesn't have owners that are crazy about him, haha! Big dogs are *it*, Beth....all my life I've wanted a Great Dane, and finally at the ripe old age of 39 I had the house and yard for one. Jake weighs almost 180 pounds and is a big old baby and my best friend. If you want to see him just ask for the URL. I have lots more pics of him than my kids!

-- Anonymous, July 29, 1999

My family had a toy poodle when I was a kid. He was everything you think a small dog would be -- yappy and nervous and not too smart. But we loved him. Now, I have a cat. A built-like-a-linebacker cat.

I always figured that if I was going to have a dog, I was going to have a DOG. A big, hairy dog. Newfoundlands appeal to me. Or maybe an Old English Sheepdog.

-- Anonymous, July 29, 1999

I love all dogs, but I do prefer big dogs. I've always had big dogs growing up and still have one now. My first dog was a Black Lab, beautiful, beautiful dog (Doc's pic reminds me of him *sniffle*) He was huge!!! My next dog wasnt' that big, but big enough to frighten people off. He was mean and we had to give him up when we found out he was part wolf. It explained a lot to us about his mean nature and violent tendencies. My present dog is one of those dogs, like yours Beth, that is big and looks mean but is the biggest sappiest sweetheart. He's a German Shephard/Chow-Chow mix and he's big and hairy and golden tan and he's just adorable. When people see him for the first time they're so scared but 5 minutes later he's attacking them with kisses and from then on in, they're in love with him. He's so cool, my dog! And he's so Handsome! (That's his name by the way!)

-- Anonymous, July 29, 1999

My dog Dixie weighs 70 pounds which is just 2 pounds over the definition of medium dog size (for those of you playing along at home). People do not approach me at night when I walk her. They are afraid of a dog that size, so it really is a useful visual deterrent. She's never jumped on anyone in her life, doesn't bark, and is as sweet as pie with our cats who insist on falling asleep up against her. I like having both cats and dogs.

-- Anonymous, July 29, 1999

I wish I could say Doc had never jumped on anyone in his life, but I can't.

I think what most people don't like about little dogs is that they're very often totally untrained and poorly socialized. I think most people who get a German Shepherd or something realize pretty quickly that they need SOME obedience training, but plenty of people get a little dog and never do a thing with it. And people are less likely to worry about proper socialization with little dogs. Many people even encourage bad behavior -- aggression, begging, jumping up -- in little dogs, because it's so cute.

Sure, an out of control shih tzu probably isn't going to kill anyone, unlike an out of control Rottweiler, but no one's going to want to be around it, either. I am so sick of vicious little dogs darting out of their yards to attack Doc ... if I had a Doc-sized dog that did that, I'd get sued in a heartbeat. (And I wonder who the owners of those dogs blame when a big dog finally turns on their little terrors?)

-- Anonymous, July 29, 1999

Big dogs! Tho I'm better about my prejudice against little ones than I used to be.

Ooooo-hey- picture of Howard (a medium dog) at

He's a very good boy

-- Anonymous, July 30, 1999

My favorite kind of dog is the hot dog. With lotsa ketchup and relish. Mmmmm.

-- Anonymous, July 30, 1999

Big dogs, hands down. I freely admit to a huge dislike for little yip-yap dogs...besides, they scare my big vicious-looking dog!

She's a lab/pitbull mix, 70 pounds or so. As is typical in both breeds, she's fun-loving, loyal and sweet as can be. I'm sure there's some chicken in there somewhere, though, since for a ferocious-looking dog, she's a big fraidy-cat.

In the interest of full disclosure, she might just lick you to death once she decides not to be afraid of you.

The cat, on the other hand (all 12 pounds or so of her) isn't afraid of anything, especially big dogs!!

Obligatory pictures; no, the cat is not really sitting on the dog's head:

-- Anonymous, August 02, 1999

I know it's been months since anyone wrote on this, but oh, well.

I have always been a cat person. In fact, I pretty much hated all dogs. But for some reason lately, I've been wanting a Bull Terrier so badly. Spuds McKenzie from the Budweiser commercial? They are the cutest dogs I've ever seen. My dad's friend had one years ago and I loved it... his name was Willy. If I got one (and I will have one!), I'd name it Eddie, definitely.

-- Anonymous, October 10, 1999

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