Which DVD players play silver CDR VCDs?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I am in the market for a new DVD player. I want to make sure that it will play home made VCDs taht have been burned on silver CDRs. Are there any suggestions? Please reply if you have had success playing the silver CDRs on your DVD player?Thanks,
-- KradLrobR (john_odonnell@merck.com), July 24, 1999
Simple.Bring them to the shop and test them on the DVD player you are thinking of buying :-)
-- Sethsolo (sethsolo@hotmail.com), July 27, 1999.
Look for the VCD sbol on the DVD player. May also say: WILL PLAY DIGITAL VIDEO DISCs
-- VCDS (Nipslip@usa.net), May 05, 2003.