MMSYSTEM277 fault : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have tried to play a VCD with a program on the VCD called Sony VideoPress. When I press play a fault message pops up:

#ES377 [SimMciOpen] MMSYSTEM277 A fault occured when MCI-driver was to initialise. Please try to restart windows

I tried to reboot but it doesn4t help. I use the newest ActiveMovis drives.

What should I do?

-- Lars (sweden) (, July 22, 1999


hey if you did get answer please email me , thanx for your time

-- Mark (, November 20, 2000.

I tried restart my Computer but it doesn,t help,it write still MMSYSTEM227.What shoud I do? Thanks

-- zuzana (, October 28, 2003.

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