CALLING MIDWESTERN EXILERS!!!! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
After finding out how close some of us are, we'd like to get a place to meet on a weekend, and everyone who's willing to come is most entirely welcome to attend. Problem is, with people from Chicago, Texas, Kansas, well, from all over! we all need to find a central meeting place that isn't too far of a drive for everyone, plus a time (a weekend is definitly preferred) and we'll get this all worked out. Being halfway intellegent, lets plan this about a month or more ahead of schedule so we can all have time to adjust our busy schedules if need be.So if you would, respond to this (or just to my email address if you don't want it posted) 1. Your Name 2. Where your from 3. What time would be good to meet 4. Anything else that you think would be relivant
I'll need a little help with this more than likely, but we'll get and email circle going to work it all out *grin*
Take care, and can't wait to meet you!!!
Drizzt of Exile
-- Drizzt of Exile (, July 20, 1999
*grin* well obviously I'll give you all the help I can love, this is a great idea! *kiss* see you in 10 days!
-- Chipper (, July 20, 1999.
Alright, here we go 1. Drizzt and Chipgirl 2. Overland Park, KS (Kansas City) 3. Any weekend preferred
-- Drizzt of Exile (, July 21, 1999.
Well beatnik and I live in St.Louis... which seems to somehow be the midpoint of the Midwest. Well technically I live 45 minutes away from St. Louis. Shoot,if you guys even remember me...(me bugg-girl) hehe. Anyway...I think it'd be fun. Count me in if you do it. Ciao
-- bugg-girl (, July 21, 1999.
Damn Buggums, I sure remember you!!! Even if the reunion doesn't fly, come visit me! Huggles, Chipper
-- Chipgirl (, July 22, 1999.
ok, here goes: 1) Tammae, 2) Springfield, MO, 3) any weekend is good Let me know how I can help. Tamms
-- tamms (, July 22, 1999.
Yeah, St. Louis isnt all that far from Kansas...hehe.. You are in Kansas arent you toto..I mean chippers...hehe bad bad joke. Maybe I should erase that...Nah... Tell me whats up...= )
-- bugg (, July 23, 1999.
North Central Texas here and any weekend in the fall would be great. I like the November idea. : )
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, July 24, 1999.