HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMAIS! (July 19th)greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Happy Birthday Jamais! Thank you for being such a sweet and helpful friend. Hope your day and year are filled with fun and peace and lots of love! ~Med
-- Medea.. (medea1968@hotmail.com), July 19, 1999
Happy Birthday Jams! I hope you have a great day!Hugs!
-- Shel (Shelbyx@email.msn.com), July 19, 1999.
happy birthday mom!
-- blzrd77 (blzrd77@excite.com), July 19, 1999.
I hope you get a kick out of your party and that you like the A.H. gesture too! Happy birthday from you forgetful friend - Leanne
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), July 19, 1999.
it 's you're birthday(da, da, tim, tum, dum)...boy i can't carry a tune? I would like to wish a great friend a very happy birthday!YIPPPPEEEE! and yes I'll replace the flower hat with a new one! As soon as llew pays the money he owes me...LOL, not! haha!....GO JAMMY GO!
-- Da' wash (KFGJokerDOC@worldnet.att.net), July 19, 1999.
Dearest Jamais, My the anniversary of your birth be well enjoyed to it's fullest, and may your happiness be seen with the smiles on your friend's faces. *lifts drink up in a toast* (don't worry, it's milk *grin*). Happy birthday milady!Drizzt
-- Drizzt of Exile (Silverblue_Eyes@hotmail.com), July 19, 1999.
Hey Jammy... HAPPY BIRTHDAYI hope you had a fabulous day. Sorry I couldn't stay longer today but I have awful troubles with VP these days. *big hugs*
Love Nyx xox
-- Nyx (goddess_nyx@hotmail.com), July 20, 1999.
Happy Birthday my friend...thankyou for all your support and love....I truly hope you had and continue having marvelous days :))))))))))) hugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
-- gobbles (gobbles2@hotmail.com), July 21, 1999.
Hiya JAM JAM JAM Keep Jammin' & so i wish u had a Jamn Good B-Day! With Best wishes & lots of hugs & kisses.... Jas (goal__)
-- Jasmine B (shteffi@hotmail.com), July 25, 1999.