Where to find a karaoke vcd

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Does someone know where to find a karaoke video cd's? Because I cannot find them anywhere (in holland).

-- Joanne Kalalo (joanne@ch.twi.tudelft.nl), July 19, 1999


try www.videocds.com

-- vm (v_i_d_e_o@hotmail.com), July 19, 1999.

www.sasavcd.com, www.asiacd.com, www.thainetcity.com, www.cdmovies.com, www.ebay.com, www.amazon.com, www.fivestarlaser.com

-- The Lone Ranger (rutger_s@hotmail.com), July 20, 1999.

You can also try www.absmusic.com

-- Eric (hw220@yahoo.com), July 22, 1999.

I have purchased over 30 Karaoke vcd's from http://www.videocds.com (Malaysia). However I am very disappointed with the quality of the productions - many mistakes in the lyrics, carelessly selected video clips for the background, manufacturers place their advert on track one - which m eans your subsequent tracks do not match the song list, etc. Of the 30 cd's I purchased I found the best set was "Oldies and Goodies Vol 1 to 6". Excellent video quality, very appropriate background video and no mistakes in the lyrics at all. Please note that the above site is only sells VCD's - they do not produce or manufacture them. I have purchased dozens of movies from them too, and although censored, the picture quality is excellent and their customer service OUTSTANDING (No, I do not work for them!)

-- Jacinto Godinho (jacinto_godinho@hotmail.com), October 17, 2000.

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