No allergies to Maine Coons? : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

I was told by an owner of a MC that if you are allergic to cats, you probably won't be to a MC because they do not have the dander a domestic cat has. I would like to know if there is any truth to this.

-- Anonymous, July 19, 1999


Unfortunately there is not a speck of truth to that claim. Dander is a combination of shed skin cells and dried saliva; thus, anything with skin produces dander, and even the so-called "hairless" breed, the Sphynx, grooms itself and thus has dried saliva on its skin.

Of course, allergies are a very individual thing. For /every/ breed I have ever owned, I have heard someone swearing that they are not allergic to that breed, although every other cat in existence sets them off. :-) Yes, Turkish Angoras, Japanese Bobtails, Abyssinians, Cornish Rex... and now the Maine Coon.

My best advice for people who are allergic, but still want a cat, is to visit breeders until you meet a family that doesn't set you off as badly. Then, wash the cat weekly (in plain water, no need for soap) to keep the amount of dander produced to a minimum. Best of luck.


-- Anonymous, July 19, 1999

The answer that Jean Marie gave is absolutely accurate. There are no "non-allergic" breeds. Some people do assume the sphynx would be the best choice for people with allergies but these cats may even be worse than some other breeds as they have no hair to "absorb" the dander! The suggestion to spend some time in the breeder's home is excellent. You need to give it a good amount of time to ensure that no reactions occur. Good luck.

-- Anonymous, July 19, 1999

If you are slightly allergic but still want a cat...I would definitely buy a nice HEPA air filter. These things work _wonders_ and keep the dust level down. They are a bit noisy though so keep that in mind as well.

Ed Yoo

-- Anonymous, July 23, 1999

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