Attention Dazzle and Snazzi Users! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
i have read many post regarding the Adaptec Software's inability to accept files from the Dazzle or Snazzi. Rather than using Xing's encoder, which takes forever,try IfilmEdit. It is a hundred times faster.This advice only applies to files which are pretty close to the standard, such as the ones from a dazzle or snazzi. if your files are quite nonstandard, stick with xing.
-- ndumu (, July 18, 1999
Actually, Adaptec, even v.3.5, will accept the files from Dazzle if you import the files created from Dazzle to Ulead Video Studio which comes with Dazzle.
-- Warwick (, July 19, 1999.
The Adaptec EZCD creator v3.5 when upgraded to v3.5c will accept mpegs created in Dazzle under the videoCD tab. I had problems initially trying to get EZCD v3.5 to accept PAL mpeg file format. After the upgrade, there was no problem. But I encountered a new problem though: the CD-Rs I burnt cannot be read by my commercial DVD player which is capable of reading VideoCDs and audioCDs. Is it a problem with the CD-R dye or the software?
-- Mark Wong (, October 21, 1999.
Most DVD players can't read CD-R's. This is probably the problem in your case. From what I've read, only Pioneer and Sony DVD players can handle CD-R's. I have a Pioneer DV-414, and it can read both CD-R's and CD-R/W's. (Those CD-R/W's sure do come in handy for testing.) If the player uses a dual laser, it should be able to read CD-R's.Tom
-- Thomas W. George (, October 21, 1999.
I don't think the problem lies with the player.It is EZ CD Creator. (At least up to the pre 4.x version. I have not check the 4.0 but words say it hasn't been fixed)
I have a lot of experience with this one, and switched to WinOnCD 3.0 instead.
Look carefully at the directory structure of your VCD using a computer. Compare it with the normal VCD. You will find that EZ CD puts the DAT file under \SEGMENTS while the normal VCD has them under \MPEGAV Only 10% of players will play VCD created by EZ CD Creator.
WinOnCD will put it correctly.
-- Rusman Priyana (, October 25, 1999.
i use ez cd deluxe, version 3.5c, and it puts the .dat in \MPEGAV.
-- ndumu (, October 26, 1999.
I spoke with a friend in the Pioneer DVD Development Team... a major problem is the "dullness" of the CD-R. CD-RWs have a more reflective data mirror. Therefore the information is precise and not distorted or lost.
-- Timothy Neville (, November 18, 1999.