Dazzle vs. Dazzle DVC

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

is the new dazzle any better than the original? if so, in what areas?

-- ndumu (ndumu@msn.com), July 18, 1999


if nobody knows, just say so!

-- ndumu (ndumu@msn.com), July 23, 1999.

I have the Dazzle photo maker, usb version, and it sucks when you try to make videos. My $.02

-- mikak jcaobs (mikal@aol.com), May 31, 2000.

For mikak jcaobs ! Dazzle PHOTO maker is not good for Video, Try to get DVCII instead

-- Bullet2G (djeykobe@yahoo.com), March 05, 2001.

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