Dazzle DVC Problem: Audio/video out of syncgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
A little while back i bought a dazzle dvc and i've noticed that during capturing sessions of about an hour the audio and video are captured out of sync with the audio being about a second or more ahead of the video thus making it obvious. I've upgraded the software via their website but it still doesn't help. Anybody got any suggestions or ideas why this is happening?
-- oscar pierce (ogibeht@aol.com), July 18, 1999
I sometimes see this problem when recording long clips (>30 min). Solution is make sure that DVC is the only program running (besides Explorer and Systray) when recording. Hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete and kill all programs besides Explorer and Systray before recording and this problem will go away. Also, I run DVC v3.20. Running DVC v3.24 crashes my system completely.Thanks, Kevin
-- Kevin (delgadil@cisco.com), July 18, 1999.
If your Dazzle DVC unit came with v3.14 of the software, do not upgrade to 3.24. It will crash frequently. Call Dazzle Tech Support and they will send you a CDROM with v3.24 at no charge. They don't even recommend installing 3.14 and adding the patch to 3.24. Full official version on CDROM works fine.Kevin
-- Kevin (delgadil@cisco.com), September 04, 1999.
As Kevin is suggest u. and guide u in right way. Although i have experience of three ir more year in this filed. I have face many problem but by reading and taking right guidence we are accurate.
-- Sapan Biswas (sapankbin@yahoo.com), August 27, 2001.
for capture card my opinion is use capture card that only have for video only and the audio use another card
-- aicha sahara (aicha_id@yahoo.com), December 23, 2001.
Iam running Dazzledvc V3.62 and was having the sync problem full time.I downloaded the latest DirectX update 8.0 and that solved the problem for me. (I think DirectX now has 8.1)
-- Gene Downing (gened9999@aol.com), December 24, 2001.