ProPhoto CD vs. Film Scanners : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

What is the relative quality of images placed on ProPhoto CD (the better version than regular PhotoCD) versus using top film scanners like the Nikon LS-2000 and Polaroid SprintScan. Are the file sizes and resolution comparable? Dynamic range? I understand you can order several different levels of quality, so let's assume I'm using the top one.

-- Michael Heath (, July 17, 1999


A direct comparison is on our LONG list of things to do, don't know when we'll get to it. The file size is bigger than most film scanners, at 72 megabytes, and I'd say resolution tracks the file size pretty well in this case. Quality looks very good (non-quantitative). Don't know about dynamic range though. Sorry to not have more specifics.

-- Dave Etchells (, July 23, 1999.

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