where in the ukgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
where in the uk is it best to buy vcd's?please respone by e-mail.
-- ian cape (iancape@madasafish.com), July 16, 1999
for Original try www.videocds.com
-- Matt (monstersm@hotmail.com), July 16, 1999.
Try www.mcno.com--I just found this site and they appear to be located in essex. Pricing is in pounds...
-- Aaron Bateman (ajbdet@yahoo.com), August 09, 1999.
Try Whitedog (www.whitedog.co.uk) - they are pricey, but they have a good selection.
-- Dave Britch (dbritch@co.umist.ac.uk), March 03, 2000.