F100 with extension tubes

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

This fell on apparently deaf ears elsewhere, so I'll try here:

Do any of the F100 owners out there know how the camera functions with extension tubes. This might be a decisive factor to me. Specifically, I'm wondering if the meter works directly or if it requires some compensation (like the F4 does). Thanks!

-- Pete Dickson (dickson.pn@pg.com), July 14, 1999


In the table on page 33 0f the manual a footnote say"Exposure compensation necessary" when using the extension rings. That's all it says! I have no idea what they mean by that, or why the TTL meter wouldn't be able to compensate automatically.

-- Ron Goodman (rgoodman@albany.net), July 15, 1999.

I think Moose Peterson's site goes into tubes and the F5 so might be something there for you.

-- (jason.elsworth@xtra.co.nz), July 15, 1999.

I had a long discussion and an exchange of letters with Brian Geyer of Really Right Stuff about extension tubes and the need for exposure compensation when using an F5. Probably hisconclusions will be valid for the F100 as well. Basically Brian recommended dialing in +0.7 compensation when using extention tubes for the following reason (and I am paraphrasing and condensing in a crude manner here) the meter cell expects to see the light coming into the sensor cell at a certain angle or spread from (either the the nodal point or the focus point) of the lens. When you use either xtension tubes or bellows you move that point forward and thus less light gets to the sensor. The positive compensation to the meter reading corrects for this.

-- Ellis Vener (evphoto@insync.net), October 11, 1999.

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