How Do I extract an ASF file ? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have several files I have downloaded with the .ASF extension.. I wanted to know if there was a way to decompress them to their original form ? Please help me !!!
-- Ian Trimble (, July 14, 1999
ASF cannot be converted to anything else. I don't know why you would want to, as ASF is worse quality than even MPEG
-- MrVCD (, July 15, 1999.
There's supposedly a way (I'm trying it now).. You need the direct x sdk 6.0 (there's a faq for it; search for vcd faq in yahoo)
-- Mao (, September 09, 1999.
You can extract the video from an .asf file using TMPGenc ( but it takes a while. I'm still looking for a way to extract the sound and sync the two together :-(
-- Trigger (, May 15, 2001.
ASF Tools will convert .ASF files to .AVI. Then, you can convert .AVI to .MPG with TMGEnc. Here's the link:
-- Mike Selikhov (, March 05, 2002.