Power line voltage regulators

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Herbach and Rademan are offering a number of models (surplus and new) which will take between 105 and 135 volts AC and deliver 110-120 vots AC. These are not sophisticated units (all magnetic, no chips).


4 models are offered

One nice one is the TM99PWS3289 (thier stock #)

120 VAC Voltage Regulator 2KVA output 16.7 amps +7 to -23% of nominal regulated to 120 +/-5% output Continuous duty

Shipping weight 70#


-- ..- (dit@dot.dash), July 14, 1999


a good single circuit devive . price is very good. won't do the whole house, a few of them might. motor circuits and computers.

nice find Dit

Bob P

-- Bob P (rpilc99206@aol.com), July 14, 1999.

I wonder......do we need a voltage regulator on a 7.5KW generator hooked up to the house? Or is this just a problem with the "normal" electricity?

-- Sheila (sross@bconnex.net), July 14, 1999.

As to the Generator question. You may find, as I did, that my UPS Backups would not run off of the generator for two reasons, first the voltage was too high with no load, and the wave form was not sinusoidal enough (according to the factory tech at APC). This effectivly shut down all my systems that were on the UPS. Solution? Constant voltage transformer did the trick, note that the power disipation in this unit goes up a lot (it gets warmer) when it is on the generator compared to PG&E.

My advice is that if you have sensitive electronics and a generator, it is advisable to have a constant voltage transformer between them.

Keep the faith, Test Test and then Test some more!

-- helium (heliumavid@yahoo.com), July 14, 1999.

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