Where does the time go?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

It seems like everyone I know is overextended. What in the hell are we all doing that takes so much time?

-- Anonymous, July 12, 1999


Spending too much time turning from task to task to task. Like in your instance, you could have saved loads of time by 1) Finishing law school, 2) Working your way to partner at a good conservative law firm, 3) Buying a house 4) Finding and beating Jeremy into a suitable mate 5) Collect pets 6) after all that's done, *then* attempt to secure an art influenced life by reading, html'ing and writing. (One should note that by this point, you'd be about 45.

But nooooooo, you had to do it all at once. And now you feel like 45 at 29. What*evah* are you going to do with all these extra years?

Serves you right.

-- Anonymous, July 13, 1999

Oh, yeah, right, I forgot. All except for that partner at a good conservative law firm part ...

-- Anonymous, July 13, 1999

The real truth is that Curtis sucks all the time out of the rest of us, and uses it to finagle his way into First Class airline seats and travel around all over the place while the rest of us have to work all the time!

-- Anonymous, July 14, 1999

I know what you mean about finding time for writing. I have so much to write about because my social life is booming right now, but because my social life is booming, I don't have time to sit still and write about it. I try to forgive myself - tell myself I'll write about it in the next "downtime", but, really, when is that going to happen?

It seems I'm either too happy or too depressed to write. If only I had the resources to take off for a few weeks/months at a time and drive up to a mountain cabin and write! I'd probably be so busy walking trails and climbing trees and planting *another* vegetable/ flower garden that I'd never get around to sitting still long enough to write. Of course, I wouldn't spend 8 hours a day sitting in front of a computer doing someone else's work, so maybe that'd help.

Ah, I long for a life of lesuire time!

-- Anonymous, July 14, 1999

Well, I had the worst time turning 30. So I got a tattoo. Made me feel better, as I have a hugely conservative image.

And being busy - don't know where the time goes. Running my own business and having 2 kids does it for me...We need 3 day weekends and 36hr days. Yes, I think that would work for me. Driving in the city takes so much time too. Spent a little time in my home town (read small country Town) and it was soooo slow paced. Relaxing.

-- Anonymous, July 14, 1999

Okay, I just had a good thought on perspective: most of the people I know who have more free time than I do spend a good portion of it watching TV.

Not that that's a bad thing, but I don't think I'm going to look back from my deathbed and think, "If only I'd watched a few more episodes of 'Frazier'..."

-- Anonymous, July 15, 1999

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