Coolpix 900 recharging : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I've read alot about and experienced the short life of alkaline batteries with the coolpix. I bought some NIMH rechargeable batteries. Question: can the batteries be recharged IN THE CAMERA while the camera is plugged into the wall using the AC adaptor ? Or do I have to buy a recharger as well ?


-- Gershon Dorfman (, July 12, 1999


Yes, I read on one website that says that the AC Adaptor does recharge the batteries although it says that it "freshens" it up. I don't know if that means recharging or otherwise. I bought the NIMH batteries with the recharger and I've been charging the batteries with the charger unit. I haven't tried it with the AC Adaptor yet.


-- Jason Tang (, July 16, 1999.

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