Epson 750 vs Kodak 265 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Sorry, My e-mail address came out wrong in my previous message.(SENIOR MOMENT)-------Rick Wright

-- Rick Wright (, July 10, 1999


Hi Rick,

I have looked back at some of my previous comments on my Epson 750Z and have combined them here for you.

I have had my Epson 750Z for 4 months now. Between my wife and I we have taken over 700 photos, that we have kept, in that time. I took over 100 just yesterday. The Epson 750Z has many nice features.Things like slowing the shutter speed down when focusing in low light. Solar light catcher backlighting for outdoor shot to save battery power and provide a more useable LCD viewfinder outdoors (few other camera have that). LCD update rate that is fast enough to take action shots even with maximum zoom (3x optical and 2X digital, try that with a Kodak). About 3 seconds between shots at the highest resolution (non-HyPict) with flash. Accurate color balance, exposure, and focus. I print most of my photos on my Epson Photo 750 printer without any modification between the camera and printer. An indicator to let you know when focus is acheived as well as indicator for low light non-flash shots that you need to avoid shaking camera. A LCD viewfinder that is clear and sharp enough to let you know if you got a good shot before you view it on you computer screen. Hy-Picttechnology that interpolates the image to a higher resolution so the JPEG algorithm can do a better job at mantaning a good picture with out the cost of storing the image uncompressed and using up a large portion of the memory. It comes with NiMH batteries,rapid charger, and camera case. It is easy on batteries too. We can take up to 100 photos with flash and LCD viewer on one set of batteries. It is very easy to use. I spent about 2 minutes showing my wife the controls and she has been doing great with it.

The following comments were a follow up to one of my other forum replies on the Epson 750Z

I too chose the 750Z over the 400. I've been using Epson Digicams since the original PhotoPC, then in nov I went to the PhotoPC 600... and now the 750Z (sold the other 2 to help pay for it). The color on the Epson was always very good.. (imho, better than Kodak) and the exposure has been bang on! I work in a pro camera store in NYC and have used my older cameras, the older DC50 Kodak, the DC260 Kodak (a very big battery hog), the Fuji DS-300.. pricey.. but a favorite due to it's handling and ability to go manual but.. the 750z tops all of them. I just came back from a trip to the White Mtns in NH.. and all the shots are on the mark. Plus.. there are some slightly 'low' documented controls that abound. The ASA setting really shines thru.. as does the camera's ability to shoot in low light sans flash. Also. the exposure control can be set from off to 0.0 and then used in the regular ON position.. noy just view. and with the FUNCTION and arrow controls, you can bias the exposure +/- 2 stops (in .5 stop steps) on the fly! that PLUS the hypict mode.. and the camera really shines!

Rob Friedman

here is a web site that has done a review on the Epson 750Z under their previous reviews selection. The also have a mention of an Epson 850 camera comming out by the end of 1999. Here are their comments about the 850 camera. PhotoPC 850: Zoom 35-105 (35 mm equivalent), ISO, aperture and shutter speed adjustable, 2 megapixel CCD (3 megapixels with HyperPict interpolation)Serial and USB interfaces LCD screen with solar assistance (like the PhotoPC 750Z) Built-in mic for vocal annotation.

My couple of comments about their review are: I found their review to be very good in all areas except their new rating system doesn't do the Epson 750Z justice. But since it is a new rating system and done months after they reviewed the camera it was probably the best they could do.

here is a web site comparing the Nikon 950 and Epson 750Z

-- Bob G. (, July 11, 1999.

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