Epson 750Z Dig. Cam. ?? Vs Kodak 265 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any comments on the EPSON 750Z? I am just about to purchase my first digital camera after having used a Cannon A-1 35mm which I love for the past 15 years. I had just about settled on a KODAK 265- I like the USB and upgradability of it when I started reading about the Epson 750, which sounds pretty good, plus a couple hundred $ less. Any comments or suggestions appreciated, I am retired and this will probably be my first and last Digital Camera.At present I am scanning in my 35mm images with a HP6300c and printing to both an Epson 600 and a new HP 882c printer,which give about equal printed results.--------Thanks, Rick Wright

-- Rick Wright (, July 10, 1999


See the, "Can still digital camera output be used for 8x10" jury exhibits?" question lower down in the forum. That may not be exactly the title, but it's close. There were a few responses in it from an Epson 750Z owner who's very happy with his. He had a few other responses to "What camera should I buy?" type questions before that. Have a look. You can also just do a Forum search for "750Z", I bet you'd turn up every last reference to the camera in the forum.

Good Luck!

-- Gerald M. Payne (, July 11, 1999.

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