Alumni Association : LUSENET : Bethany Bible College : One Thread

I graduated From Bethany Bible College & Theological Seminary years ago with a B.A.,M.A., and a D.R.E. I'm a Pastor of Hispanic Baptist Church "The Voice of Hope" (Iglesia Bautista Hispana "La Voz De La Esperanza") in Charlotte, North Carolina. I would like to know if there is an Alumni association in which i can became a member.

Thank You and May God Continue Blessing Students and former students. In Christ Jesus.

Rev.,Dr.David Caraballo, D.R.E.,Ph.D.

-- Rev.,Dr. David Caraballo,D.R.E.,Ph.D. (, July 06, 1999


I too would be interested in an Alumni Association. If we have enough interest, perhaps there are some among us that know what would be involved in getting one started.

It would be a good idea for former students to be able to get together every few years for fellowship, perhaps at one of the seminars.

-- Bill Ciocco (, July 08, 1999.

I would like to place my support in the endeavor. I agree an alumni association would be excellent for fellowship, support and the building of the gods children.

If I am able to be of any support in the erecting of this program, please contact me soonest.

Gods grace always, Rev. Eddie Davis

-- Rev. Eddie C. Davis (, August 06, 1999.

I would like to place my support in the endeavor. I agree an alumni association would be excellent for fellowship, support and the building of the Gods servants.

If I am able to be of any support in the erecting of this program, please contact me soonest.

Gods grace always, Rev. Eddie Davis

-- Rev. Eddie C. Davis (, August 06, 1999.

I would be interested, too. Please contact me.

-- Camilo G. Torio, D. Min. (, August 14, 1999.

I think an alumni association would be a great idea. I have not met many of you but would be interested in helping out if it is meant to be.

I live in northern Michigan, so if anyone is interested in starting some fellowship in this area I'm here to help.


-- Rev. Ron Sischo (, August 18, 1999.

Add my voice for an alumni organization. If anyone is close to Fort Worth, Texas . . . .


-- Rev'd Dr. Robert Himes (, August 20, 1999.

This is to inform about my new e-mail address: I'm still interesting in the Alumni Association. Lets plan a meeting. My address is: The Rev.,Dr. David Caraballo, D.R.E.,Ph.D. Hispanic Baptist Church "The Voice Of Hope" 7122 Robinson Church Road Charlotte, NC 28215 (704) 537-7133 (ofic) (704) 537-3654 (Fax) Youre welcome to call me....

-- Rev.,Dr. David Caraballo, D.R.E.,Ph.D. (, September 16, 1999.

I would like to pledge my support for the endeavor of an alumni would certainly lend some further credibility to the school itself, a great way to promote the school and raise awareness, a good way to keep people connected with Bethany after graduation, not to mentiona a good fundraising tool,...and there should be no shortage of graduates. If anyone has any other ideas, drop me a line at the e-mail address given below.

Devin Johnstone, Minister of Christian Education and Music, West Lane United Baptist Church, Moncton. (CANADA)

-- Devin Johnstone (djohnstone@aries.ccca), November 24, 1999.

I'm definitely interested! Anyone living in the southern Illinois area drop me an email if you're interested in fellowship!

-- Barry K. Brown (, January 13, 2000.

How can we Start?? I'm Ready...Anyone have any Idea? I'm in The Charlotte, North Carolina Area....Anybody else? My Office Telephone Number is: (704) 537-7133...(704) 537-3654 (Fax)

Les't Do it......

Rev.,Dr. David Caraaballo, Ph.D.

-- Rev.,Dr. David Caraballo, D.R.E.,Ph.D. (, January 18, 2000.

How can we Start?? I'm Ready...Anyone have any Idea? I'm in The Charlotte, North Carolina Area....Anybody else? My Office Telephone Number is: (704) 537-7133...(704) 537-3654 (Fax)

Les't Do it......

Rev.,Dr. David Caraballo, Ph.D.

-- Rev.,Dr. David Caraballo, D.R.E.,Ph.D. (, January 18, 2000.

How can we Start?? I'm Ready...Anyone have any Idea? I'm in The Charlotte, North Carolina Area....Anybody else? My Office Telephone Number is: (704) 537-7133...(704) 537-3654 (Fax)

Let's Do it......

Rev.,Dr. David Caraballo, Ph.D.

-- Rev.,Dr. David Caraballo, D.R.E.,Ph.D. (, January 18, 2000.

Dear Colleague;

There are several of us that agree an alumni association is a wonderful venture to pursue. Yet, I am not aware of anyone stepping forward to bring this vision to life. With the help of those who have indicated to the wanting of such, I would like to be the point of contact, and start the ball rolling.

First, and foremost, I request your prayers as I endeavor to research and learn what is needed to bring this to pass. Second, I solicit your undivided support in this venture that will bless all and give glory to God.

After you have prayed, please send me an e-mail that I may know who is on board. As for me, Bethany has provided me with a great formation in my spiritual development and I believe that we (the student body) owe it to ourselves to display our School banner high.

Please, let us not only start to quit when it gets tough, but let us continue through to the completion, mindful that our heavenly Father is ever watching.

Gods love always, Rev. Eddie Davis

-- Rev Eddie Davis (, February 17, 2000.

I'm ready for the Alumni Association. Is Anybody in The Charlotte, North Carolina Area or Close? I'm Praying and ready....LET'S DO IT FOR THE GLORY OF GOD>>>>AMEN

Rev.,Dr. David Caraballo, PH.D. Hispanic Baptist Church "The Voice OF Hope" 7122 Robinson Church Road Charlotte, NC 28215 (704) 537-7133 (Ofic) (704) 537-3654 (Fax) (704) 566-0649 (Home)

-- Rev.,Dr. David Caraballo, D.R.E.,Ph.D. (, March 22, 2000.

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